Bodum's Kenya French press allows for the full blossom of the coffee experience - maximum aroma, body and flavour with every nuance amplified.
Easy and quick to use, the Kenya extracts the most essential oils from freshly ground coffee, leaving less sediment in your cup. Simply add ground coffee, pour in boiled water, stir, wait 3-4 minutes, and then gently depress the plunger.
Sizes (use the drop-down Size menu to select your preference):
3 cup - 0.35 l, 12 oz
4 cup - 0.5 l, 17 oz
8 cup - 1.0 l, 34 oz
Glass Insurance Recommendation:
We check the condition of our items thoroughly before shipping. However, fragile items with glass components can still be damaged during transit.
Canada Post and other couriers do not accept responsibility for breakage or damage incurred in transit if the product involves glass.
We recommend purchasing glass insurance for orders that include products made of glass or with glass components. Insurance can be added on at the following link: .